Search Results

Matches 1 to 50 of 751 for Tree equals Foxcroft and Bruce

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 #  Family ID   Father's Name    Mother's Name    Married    Location   Tree 
1 F398
    Foxcroft and Bruce 
2 F829
BEVAN, James    Foxcroft and Bruce 
3 F873
PEYTON, William Walker    Foxcroft and Bruce 
4 F875
HIGGITT, Walter    Foxcroft and Bruce 
5 F886
HAGGED, Humphrey    Foxcroft and Bruce 
6 F887
HAGGARD, Gilbert    Foxcroft and Bruce 
7 F888
AGARD, George    Foxcroft and Bruce 
8 F889
AGARD, Clement    Foxcroft and Bruce 
9 F890
AGARD, John    Foxcroft and Bruce 
10 F891
AGARD, Rad.    Foxcroft and Bruce 
11 F892
AGARD, John    Foxcroft and Bruce 
12 F893
AGARD, Thomas    Foxcroft and Bruce 
13 F894
AGARD, Thomas    Foxcroft and Bruce 
14 F895
AGARD, Walter    Foxcroft and Bruce 
15 F918
BARLOW, George    Foxcroft and Bruce 
16 F919
HOLLAND, Benjamin    Foxcroft and Bruce 
17 F997
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
18 F1037
KEMP, Robert    Foxcroft and Bruce 
19 F1302
HIGGOTT, Rosamund    Foxcroft and Bruce 
20 F1313
HIGGOTT, Spencer Oakley    Foxcroft and Bruce 
21 F14
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
22 F11
JACKSON, Roger    Foxcroft and Bruce 
23 F15
BROOKE    Foxcroft and Bruce 
24 F18
SWAN    Foxcroft and Bruce 
25 F29
PLATTS    Foxcroft and Bruce 
26 F31
HIRST    Foxcroft and Bruce 
27 F35
LISTER    Foxcroft and Bruce 
28 F38
BIRRON    Foxcroft and Bruce 
29 F41
HOPKINSON    Foxcroft and Bruce 
30 F42
FOXCROFT, George    Foxcroft and Bruce 
31 F43
FOXCROFT, John    Foxcroft and Bruce 
32 F44
FOXCROFT, Michael    Foxcroft and Bruce 
33 F65
RHODES, John    Foxcroft and Bruce 
34 F68
DANFORD, Thomas    Foxcroft and Bruce 
35 F81
LISTER Captain    Foxcroft and Bruce 
36 F101
BROWN, Sir Hugh    Foxcroft and Bruce 
37 F1508
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
38 F1533
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
39 F1535
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
40 F1540
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
41 F1625
HODGETTS, John    Foxcroft and Bruce 
42 F1628
BARRETT, Unknown    Foxcroft and Bruce 
43 F196
HIGGITT, David    Foxcroft and Bruce 
44 F200
DAVIES, Alfred    Foxcroft and Bruce 
45 F240
DEEKER    Foxcroft and Bruce 
46 F246
Living    Foxcroft and Bruce 
47 F285
ROACH    Foxcroft and Bruce 
48 F336
JONES, William    Foxcroft and Bruce 
49 F374
Unnamed    Foxcroft and Bruce 
50 F376
Unnamed    Foxcroft and Bruce 

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